Rgb 0,0,0 to Css #000000 Color code html values
Css 000000 Hex Color Code for rgb 0,0,0
Css Html color #000000 Hex color conversions, schemes, palette, combination, mixer, to rgb 0,0,0 colour codes.
Div Background-color : #000000
.div{ background-color : #000000; }
#000000 is the same as #000
Text/Font color #000000
.text{ color : #000000; }
My text html color #000000 hex color code
Border html color #000000 hex color code
.border{ border:3px solid : #000000; }
My div border color
Outline hex color #000000
.outline{ outline:2px solid #000000; }
My text outline color #000000